How to Make Macarons

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Want to know how to make Macarons at home? These colorful and cute little french pastries are so much fun to make (and eat) These are one of my favorite food gifts to make, due to the WOW factor. People love 1) the fact that macaroons are tiny and bite sized. 2) They come in tons of awesome colors and flavors 3) You made them!

Check out this super easy step by step video recipe to learn exactly how to make macarons at home.

Watch the tutorial video for specific step by step instructions on making macarons at home.

Step One

Separate egg yolks from whites.


Step Two

Using your mixer, beat egg whites until peaks form.


Step Three

Add liquid ingredients (color and flavor) to the egg white mixture.


Step Four

On parment paper or Silpat, add spoons of the egg white mixture with about 1inch space between them.


DIY Macarons!




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